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Hello. My name is Yan Linn and I’d like to welcome you to my ePortfolio.
Yan Linn Aung's ePortfolio
On this page, you can see my school activities and assignment.
Operation System Security -
Group Presentation
This activity happened in class activity. During my first semester in OSS - Operation System Security class, professor gave us a topic to prepare in the class on the day itself. It was a very short notice and the goals were to study, prepare and present in the class right away. I stood up and took the presentation part which most of the student is afraid of public speaking. I have learnt time management, teamwork and collaboration skill from that activity. It is very beneficial for me to gain those knowledge and skillset which we need to apply in future work or daily life whenever we need it.
Poster Presentation
This poster presentation is part of the assignment from the Technical Communication English Language class about Integrating Tele consultation platforms to improve the social well-being of senior citizens post-pandemic.
"Overall, you built your poster well and did a great job of supporting it with research. The key area for you to work on improving is enunciating more when you speak (by pronouncing ending consonants more clearly) to make it easier for the audience to hear you." Professor
Technical Communications Class
ESLI 593 Fall 2022
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!
Audrey Hepburn
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